That was one freewheeling session! We covered a lot of ground from Bandura's self-efficacy to Vygotsky's scaffolding to Shirky's filter failure and finally to Seimen's Connectivism.
While we all would agree on the need to be life-long learners, it does not come easy. The soccer coach who tells the wannabe soccer player to juggle the ball 100 times without letting it hit the ground risks creating a very frustrated kid. Even the most passionate person needs to believe that s/he can achieve "mastery". Telling the soccer player to instead count the number of attempts s/he took to reach 100 is a way to avoid that disappointment. [Read here for a more on this story].
What has technology got to do with this?
When used appropriately technology can make the task just a little bit easier, a bit more efficient, (possibly) a bit more fun, just enough to overcome those doubts about self-efficacy. So what do you think about using Google Reader to stay up to date with biomedical literature in your area of interest? What about using Google+ or Twitter to create your personal learning network?
Do you see potential? Anyone ready to bite the bullet?
What about connectivism? How does it fit with your concepts of learning and knowledge?